Do you know what is the relationship between the web and the internet? Read this article and let me know your constructive opinion
:What is internet
The Internet is a huge global spider network of millions and billions of computers and electronic devices as well, such as cables, servers and other pieces of hardware. Using the Internet, it is possible to access any information we need and can talk to anyone in the world
:How does the internet work
We come here to learn how the Internet works. At the beginning we mentioned that the Internet is a cable and other devices connected with each other, even wireless devices need all of this to access the Internet.
Well when we visit a website my computer sends a request over these wires to a server. A server is where websites are stored, and it works a lot like your computer's hard drive. But it has higher specifications and lifespan, once the request arrives, the server retrieves the website and sends the correct data back to your computer
:What is http
.HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol
?Well, we said that the website sends a request to the server through my computer, how does the server understand this language and communicate with my computer
.The answer is about methods for the http protocol, which receives the request from my computer and returns it and directs the response to it, and this is all via the Internet
:What is https
https is considered like http, but it is for the security version, and it is the basic protocol used to send data securely between the browser and the server, so that it encrypts the data before sending it in order to increase security
:What is the difference between http and https
The main difference between these protocols is that https has a data protection technology that works through the encryption that is between the browser and the server, because sometimes some data such as passwords and card numbers are encrypted for their confidentiality to ensure that they are not read by strangers
:Browser and how they work
To begin with, the browser is a software application that is installed on the computer or any other device that supports it, and is connected to the Internet, allowing us to display other pages and various contents of them
As we mentioned previously, the server is used to access the pages and data that I need in the presence of the browser, so that when writing a URL in the browser, the HTTP protocol connects it with the server and accesses the data in it, then it replies to the browser and shows the requested page to the user using the same protocol and with the presence of the Internet
:DNS and how it work
When you type a search address or something similar in the browser, it will use the DNS protocol on the Internet that converts the names of websites that people can understand, such as, into addresses that can be understood by devices (ip address). This allows the users' computers to communicate with the web server. And get to what they are looking for.
:What is domain name
.a domain name is the text that a user types into a browser window to reach a particular website. such as, the domain name for Google is
:What is hosting
?When a person wants to upload some files or when he finishes designing a website, he wants to share it with others by searching for it on the Internet, how is that
,This is done through the hosting service and providing storage space on the server to store files as well as hosting your site designed on the server to make them available for viewing online
.and the amount of space allocated depends on the type of hosting
.HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language
:About html
.Keep in mind that this language is not a programming language, but rather a descriptive textual language, through which you can format and create a specific web page
:Introduction in html
.Language that describes the structure of a web page
.It consists of a series of elements
.Its elements tell the browser how to display the content
.These elements are called a tag with a beginning and an end, such as <h1>, <a>, and other elements
:About learn basic html
HTML Essentials is very important for page layout and it is necessary to use it correctly in order to be recognized and give it the characteristics required by the CSS file

:Here are the tags that pretty much any HTML page should have
.DOCTYPE html>:This tag specifies the language you will write on the page!>
In this case, the language is HTML 5
.html>: This tag signals that from here on we are going to write in HTML code>
.head>: This is where all the metadata for the page goes — stuff mostly meant for search engines >
,meta> - This is a tag for providing metadata (data about our data) to the page>
We can use meta tags to display what character set we are using or for SEO .(Search Engine Optimization) purposes
.title> - This tag gives the page a title that can be displayed in the tab of your browser>
.body>: This is where the content of the page goes>
<h1> First Heading</h1>
<h2> second Heading</h2>
<h3> third Heading</h3>
<p> first paragraph.</p>
.<HTML contains many basic tags, which are widely used, including <div>, <h1>, and <p
.The <div> tag is used as a container for HTML elements, which is then manipulated with CSS
.Also, there are many HTML tags that we use to format our page as needed
:define tag is

:The basic elements of an HTML page are
.A text header: using the <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> tags
.A paragraph: using the <p> tag
.A horizontal line: using the <hr> tag
.A link: using the <a> (anchor) tag
.A list: using the <ul> (unordered list), <ol> (ordered list) and <li> (list element) tags
.An image: using the <img> tag
.A divider: using the <div> tag
.A text span: using the <span> tag
:writing semantic html
This language contains semantic elements that are used to define its contents such as <form>, <table>, in contrast to non-semantic that do not tell us
.<anything about its content such as <div> and <span
.Semantic Elements refer to HTML elements that have a specific meaning
For example <h1> is a semantic element. It tells google bots that the content within the tag is the most significant header contained in the HTML document. <div> on the other hand, is a non-semantic element as it only indicates a division in the HTML document and provide no information on what goes before, after or within the tag
:forms and validation in html
.The form is used in the HTML in order to collect the user input from the name, password, email, etc. This means it is used to create an entry form in HTML
.The validation form is used: the data entered into a form needs to be in the right format and certain fields need to be filled in order to effectively use the submitted form
:conventions and best practices in html
- Close All HTML Elements
- Always Declare Document Type
- Use Lowercase Element Names
- Always Quote Attribute Values
- Spaces and Equal Signs
- File Extension
:Accessibility in html
HTML code must be written so that it is easy for the user to navigate and interact with your site, this means that the code is semantic as possible, it means that the site contains a button and a reaction when clicking on it by the user, that the buttons are clear and other elements Which can be accessed via keyboard only or both mouse
:SEO basics in html
They are "tags" parts found in HTML which are invisible to users. They provide some information about your page to search engines. It helps search engines understand your content. Users can search for it and find it in the source code for a page such as title and head
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
:About CSS
.“I say it is the girl's makeup”
This language is used with HTML, which describes how the elements are displayed on the page, and controls the layout of many web pages, which are stored in a file with the CSS extension, and also controls the shape, arrangement, color and other characteristics that are given to make the site look more attractive
:learn basic CSS
.This property is used to link a CSS page to an HTML page to start, to give it some characteristics

.This property is used to give the title h1 the blue color and the font size and type

.Use this property to give paragraphs the blue color and the font size and type
.The HTML class attribute is used to specify a class for an HTML element, Multiple HTML elements can share the same class
.The HTML id attribute is used to specify a unique id for an HTML element, You cannot have more than one element with the same id in an HTML document
.Also, there are many properties, methods of use, and limitations that we use frequently in our life
:Making layouts in CSS
A website can be divided into various sections consisting of header, menus, content and footer based on which there are many different layout designs available for developers. Different layouts can be created by using div tag and use CSS property to style it.

:Responsive design and media queries in CSS
Responsive and Media Query in CSS are considered part of them in the world of website design, so that the site or page must be general for all these devices means that it must fit the personal device, tablet, mobile and other devices. If the site is opened from these devices, some features and arrangements for some will change The elements on the page so that they fit on it, and this is done via query and response such as @media,
.<style>, <link>