Whenever you are , you can start over .. That is it !

Among two different decades we can see two stunning relationships which are symbolizing to successful marriage .

Julie , the young woman on the outskirts of her thirties with her beloved husband ..

On the other side , Julia , the woman of forty lives another great life with her own love .

Both have two things in common , first you already recognize it , the second was the passion , the ability to start a challenge and win it with its merits .

Our movie has beautifully reflected their stories giving us a wonderful full experience staff ! Which we can recite in the following few points ..

  1. .If you want to reach the stars , have a good support : The sturdy support you can gain is love , having a person who loves you is a great power making you stand still
  2. .To get rid of anxiety , find an outlet : Do something you love , fill your time do not let yourself free otherwise you will fall in gulf of stress
  3. Whatever you start , finish it : Complete the staircase to the last step , do not stop in the middle , it is like the middle of hill !
  4. Settle into your home : Your home is not a four walls around , your home is whatever in this life you love more than yourself ,. Do not budge from it .. It is your ultimate peace !

Julia child was a masterpiece ! Her life was remarkable by great achievements mixed with simplicity !

Julia and Julie .. where you can find similarity in the difference !

Watch the movie you will enjoy especially with Meryl Streep distinctive voice .

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